Install Engines

Install Engines

Install Local Engines

Jan currently doesn't support installing a local engine yet.

Install Remote Engines

Step-by-step Guide

You can add any OpenAI API-compatible providers like OpenAI, Anthropic, or others. To add a new remote engine:

  1. Navigate to Settings () > Engines
  2. At Remote Engine category, click + Install Engine

Install Remote Engines

  1. Fill in the following required information:

Install Remote Engines

Engine NameName for your engine (e.g., "OpenAI", "Claude")
API URLThe base URL of the provider's API
API KeyYour authentication key from the provider
Model List URLURL for fetching available models
API Key TemplateCustom authorization header format
Request Format ConversionFunction to convert Jan's request format to provider's format
Response Format ConversionFunction to convert provider's response format to Jan's format
  • The conversion functions are only needed for providers that don't follow the OpenAI API format. For OpenAI-compatible APIs, you can leave these empty.
  • For OpenAI-compatible APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, or Groq, you only need to fill in the required fields. Leave optional fields empty.
  1. Click Install
  2. Once completed, you should see your engine in Engines page:
    • You can rename or uninstall your engine
    • You can navigate to its own settings page

Install Remote Engines


OpenAI-Compatible Setup

Here's how to set up OpenAI as a remote engine:

  1. Engine Name: OpenAI
  2. API URL:
  3. Model List URL:
  4. API Key: Your OpenAI API key
  5. Leave other fields as default

Custom APIs Setup

If you're integrating an API that doesn't follow OpenAI's format, you'll need to use the conversion functions. Let's say you have a custom API with this format:

// Custom API Request Format
"prompt": "What is AI?",
"max_length": 100,
"temperature": 0.7
// Custom API Response Format
"generated_text": "AI is...",
"tokens_used": 50,
"status": "success"

Here's how to set it up in Jan:

Engine Name: Custom LLM
API Key: your_api_key_here

Conversion Functions:

  • Request: Convert from Jan's OpenAI-style format to your API's format
  • Response: Convert from your API's format back to OpenAI-style format
  1. Request Format Conversion:

function convertRequest(janRequest) {
return {
prompt: janRequest.messages[janRequest.messages.length - 1].content,
max_length: janRequest.max_tokens || 100,
temperature: janRequest.temperature || 0.7

  1. Response Format Conversion:

function convertResponse(apiResponse) {
return {
choices: [{
message: {
role: "assistant",
content: apiResponse.generated_text
usage: {
total_tokens: apiResponse.tokens_used

Expected Formats:

  1. Jan's Request Format

"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": "What is AI?"}
"max_tokens": 100,
"temperature": 0.7

  1. Jan's Expected Response Format

"choices": [{
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "AI is..."
"usage": {
"total_tokens": 50


Make sure to test your conversion functions thoroughly. Incorrect conversions may cause errors or unexpected behavior.